Laveco em todos os postos de vacinação de Embu das Artes
Julho 2021
O Lavecão será utilizado nos postos de vacinação contra o novo Coronavírus, além de praças de atendimento e no Pronto-Socorro Central.
Laveco em parceria com a prefeitura de Embu das Artes
Julho 2021
O Laveco está presente em todos os postos de vacinação da cidade de Embu das Artes.
Clique no link abaixo e acesse a matéria:
Caso tenha dificuldades em abrir o link, clique aqui.
FeComercio Publishes an article by Laveco
July 2016
Laveco participated in the FeComercio contest, and won an article about the product.
Click on the link below and access the LAVECO article on FECOMERCIO.
If you have difficulties opening the link, click here.
LAVECO advertisement
June 2016
Advertisement showing how to use Laveco and the possibility of customization

Report with Raquel da Giro gastronomy
February 2016
LAVECO participates in fairs and attracts the attention of visitors and reporters.

Fernando interviews Alex from LAVECO
January 2016
Another article that emphasizes the great use of LAVECO in fairs and food trucks. The ecological lavatory is being used more and more every day. It guarantees water savings and easy hand hygiene.
LAVECO - Ecological Washbasin, SUCCESSFUL at Equipotel Fair
September 2015
Visitors and exhibitors used the LAVECOS that were distributed at the fair

LAVECO was present at the Venus Race at the Jockey Clube de São Paulo
October 2015
Race participants and organizers used the LAVECOS that were available at the event. LAVECO once again demonstrates practicality for hand hygiene.

LAVECO is featured on the cover of Jornal Sebrae
October 2015
LAVECO is considered a product of invention by Sebrae and is featured on the cover of the newspaper.
TV Band News Report - LAVECO
September 2015
LAVECO - Ecological lavatory, gained strength and was very successful at Equipotel 2015 Fair at Anhembi. Thousands of people got to know this novelty on the spot and through various reports and articles. Visitors and exhibitors at the fair used LAVECO, several washbasins were positioned at the fair.
LAVECO DO BRASIL supports the Buy Small Movement - SEBRAE
September 2015
Watch the video! LAVECO supports this movement!
LAVECO - Ecological Washbasin will be present at the Equipotel fair.
September 2015
With 53 years of existence, Equipotel is the meeting point for the hospitality, food and services sector in Latin America. Ranked among the five largest in the world in the sector, it is a center of business and relationships fundamental to the success of companies in the hospitality, gastronomy, food, tourism and similar sectors. Launches, trends, services and technological innovations at your fingertips, with defined date and location: this is Equipotel.
LAVECO will be present at the fair with several Washbasins in the gourmet area and other sectors of the fair.

LAVECO wins first place in the 7th Contest accelerates startup in Bauru promoted by CIESP
August 2015

Article about LAVECO on the GUIA - Construir e Reformar website
August 2015
Click on the link below and access the LAVECO article in the Guide - Construir e Reformar.
If you have difficulties opening the link, click here.

SEGS publishes an article about LAVECO
August 2015
Click on the link below and access the LAVECO article on SEGS.
If you have difficulties opening the link, click here.
August 2015
Click on the link below and access the LAVECO article on FECOMERCIO.
If you have difficulties opening the link, click here.

Cultural Turnaround - São Paulo
June 2015
LAVECO was very well used in the street of craft exhibitors at the great Virada Cultural event in São Paulo. The lavatory served visitors and exhibitors, on this day it washed approximately 300 hands with just 40 liters of water.

TAE Magazine - Specialized in water & fluid treatment
June 2015

Journal Ecology
May 2015
LAVECO stands out for being an innovative product and bringing several benefits to the population. The published article comments on the importance of using a LAVECO ...

III Fish Culture Meeting of Embu das Artes - SP
May 2015
In partnership with the Department of Tourism of the city of Embu das Artes - SP, LAVECO was included in the Fish Culture meeting in the city. The city's mayor, Japanese secretaries and consulates, and fish farming professionals attended the event. A coffee break was served to guests who had the facility to clean their hands before the meal through LAVECO positioned next to the buffet.

Night fair in the city of Embu das Artes - SP
May 2015
LAVECO gained strength and a lot of positive repercussion at the night fair in Embu das Artes. Visitors and exhibitors used LAVECO constantly, as the place needed cleaning before and after the meals offered at the fair.